The Zensight Process for Reducing Worry

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The Zensight Process for Reducing Worry

Rachel examines her reflection and sees a scar on her face. Her pulse rate increases, her chest tightens, and she begins to feel queasy almost instantly. She looks more attentively and realizes it's only a little bit of dirt. She scrubs it off and reassures herself that there's no need to worry; this isn't the start of skin cancer. There won't be any more. That woman is OK now.

Rachel has been convincing herself that she is OK for hours, but she still isn't feeling any better. Let's say that your sighting of that location was a sign. What if she's going to get skin cancer? Is it possible that she has already developed skin cancer and is only unaware of it at this point? Must she visit a doctor? She spends the remainder of the day with the nagging fear that she could have cancer. Even after a few weeks have passed, she finds that she is still spending excessive time examining her skin for any signs of abnormalities.

Rachel has an anxiety problem, much like 13%-16% of all people. There are a variety of anxiety disorders, including PTSD, OCD, phobias, and a host of others.

Anxiety can be so bad that it keeps a person from leaving the house or taking part in social activities. The person's whole life may become ruled by the need to avoid anything that makes them feel anxious.

Medication for reducing anxiety symptoms and behavioral therapy for learning to cope and confronting unreasonable beliefs are the mainstays of conventional treatment for anxiety disorders. The duration of treatment is usually considered to be somewhat extensive.

Those who suffer from anxiety might find fresh strength in the Zensight Process. A person who knows a lot about Zensight and how to help people with anxiety can often make a big difference in a person's life in a short amount of time.

Many people will be able to utilize Zensight successfully on their own, without ever needing to speak with a professional, and see significant improvement in their symptoms. Self-healing with Zensight is especially helpful for people who want to work with a therapist or practitioner to help and speed up their healing.

The Zensight Method: How to Apply It

There is no hypnosis employed in the Zensight Process, but rather a method of interacting with the subconscious mind that is very comparable. Instead, we make a "healing sign" as our first step. It's up to you to decide if that sign is a word, an image, or a hue. It's fairly uncommon for individuals to represent something like the ocean with a symbol. This allows them to concentrate on the term "ocean" whenever it seems appropriate and to imagine an ocean whenever it helps.

When this healing symbol is used or focused on with intention, fears, worries, and "blocks" can be healed and changed in a gentle way.

Then, healing words and images are used along with the symbol to help the person feel more at ease and let go of their worries.

Anxious people are told to concentrate on a picture that comes to mind when they consider one of their particular worries, and to make a connection with the selected healing symbol via this image.

Visualization is a powerful tool for facilitating healing because it bypasses the limitations of the rational mind. The picture that pops into one's head may be a literal or figurative portrayal of the problem or anxiety one is experiencing. People have reported seeing themselves with a leg trapped in a trap or a gigantic grey object they can't place or make sense of. The resulting visuals may be wildly unpredictable and difficult to make sense of for the average individual. One of their greatest strengths is that it is not necessary to comprehend them to appreciate them. When a person connects with a healing symbol, they concentrate their attention on the picture and let it change on its own.

Most of the time, a therapeutic shift in perception occurs as a result of the picture transforming on its own. As the person observes, the trap that had been gripping the leg vanishes into thin air. They imagine being liberated to roam around in complete happiness and tranquility. As they watch, the large, mysterious grey thing transforms into a giant egg, which opens up to reveal light and a sense of tranquility.

If the image doesn't shift, if no image is seen, or if there is still some unresolved distress, the person employs healing words. After each affirmation, the client concentrates on the healing symbol while taking a deep breath and releasing it. As those good emotions increase and intensify, old hurts are transformed and healed.

Here are Some Examples of Healing Affirmations

  • I make peace with every part of myself that is worried I will never be able to solve this issue.
  • Any and all sentiments of confinement inside of me are mended.
  • To make sure they understood this fully and thoroughly, I told each and every one of my parts that they were secure.
  • A feeling of calm and security permeates every pore of my being.
  • Every muscle in my body is finally starting to unwind.
Sounds easy, right? It is very basic but profoundly efficient. The best part is that the benefits tend to be long-lasting, at least so long as the underlying energy imbalances are dealt with and corrected.

Equalizing Energy Flows

Zensight's benefits extend well beyond the alleviation of isolated ailments. The best way to treat anxiety, especially long-lasting dread and anxiety, is to first fix the energy imbalances that likely cause it.

An imbalance in the triple warmer meridian is responsible for persistent and/or frequent sensations of dread. In Eastern medicine, the energy meridians are said to have effects on our psychological, physiological, and spiritual well-being. The energy meridians may be healed by a variety of methods, not only acupuncture.

The body's fight-or-flight-or-freeze reaction is controlled by the triple warmer meridian. Some people have an overabundance of energy in their triple warmer meridian after being exposed to a traumatic incident or set of events that evokes strong feelings of dread or panic. Anxious people are more likely to react with terror to many circumstances that, to others without anxiety, seem harmless. This is because the "flight or freeze" reaction is emphasized in anxious people.

It's not easy to convince someone to get over their fears by words alone. Rachel understands logically that the mark on her face was nothing more than dirt, just as a stain on a pair of pants isn't evidence of cancer. Rachel can't get over her anxiety, even though she knows she is safe and is exaggerating the situation.

Rachel's issue is not in her head but rather in her physical body and energy field. Overenergization in the triple warmer state is a common reaction to childhood trauma. This could be because the child was exposed directly or indirectly to abusive adults, or it could be because of less obvious traumatic events that still made the child afraid.

Rachel feels confident in her own safety, but she also needs to reassure her energy system and physical body. They, in a way, need retraining. This "reprogramming" may happen quickly and in a very peaceful way using Zensight.

There might be a variety of energy instabilities at play. Additionally, homolateral energy (where the energy flows vertically through the body rather than laterally across it) may be at play. Most anxiety symptoms improve very quickly once any underlying energy imbalances are corrected. From then on, attention shifts to addressing the issues one by one.

Repairing Damage to the "Whole" Person

This is because the Zensight Process encourages the use of both visual imagery and spoken "healing affirmations," which engage both hemispheres of the brain simultaneously. This helps individuals make the connection between reason and feelings. By employing Zensight, Rachel not only intellectually "gets" that the spot on her face was not a portent of doom, but she also "gets" it on an emotional level.

Experiencing one's several "selves" is something that Zensight also discusses. It's true that we each consist of several facets of our personalities. In many cases when healing is not experienced despite the employment of very successful modalities, the problem is that the individual, at least subconsciously, may assume that it is not safe to address the difficulties at hand. Rachel may be reluctant to seek full relief from her anxiety because a part of her worries that she would become less vigilant and more likely to overlook warning signals if she no longer anticipates that she will acquire cancer. Through the use of visualization and specific healing affirmations, Zensight enables the person to reach and bring healing to even the parts of us that are reluctant to mend or that think it is not in our best interests to do so.

Zensight uses a whole-person approach that can help even the most difficult problems get better quickly and in a gentle way. 

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